Sunday 6 September 2015


            Hi. My name is Andrei.

I am a student and I have decided to start my own blog. For my first post, I would like to begin with some of my interests and also some goals that I have in mind for the future:
First of all, I like reading. I believe it is something that develops your way of thinking and also enriches your culture and knowledge. Sports and music would be second in the list, being also important for me. It would be really hard to decide which of the two is more important since I like to practice all kinds of sports, and I really think that it helps me relax after a long day at school or between long sessions of homework. However, sometimes I just need to sit down with my guitar and play because it helps me take my mind from work for a couple of minutes so that I can go back relaxed and have a go again at whatever did not work the first time. Of course, all these are just some of my interests and they are focused mainly on the free time. I am also interested in school and more than that I would like to start soon the flight school and become a pilot. In my free time I also enjoy playing with animals. Cats are my favorite animals followed by dogs. Here are some reasons why cats are my favorite animals:


And dogs:



Here are also some pictures of my own pets:



Of course, for writing this blog, there is an important element that has to be explored, and this is language. Sometimes, we come across the question: “why does one have to study the language if he can already speak it” and I think the answer for this question is simple. We are using language every day to communicate. But communication is not only words. Communication is also the way in which one uses the words in order to express his ideas and in order to send a specific message to his audience. This is why language is important to be studied. Because knowing how to use words, they can become your most precious power. I tend to believe that the strongest people are not the ones that can lift hundreds of kilograms from the floor of the gym, but the ones that can lift the spirit of hundreds of discouraged people using only the power of words. With this been said, I can also add that language has a very important role in my life too. It is somehow defining me, making a difference between myself and others. It shapes my identity and makes a difference between my way of expressing my thoughts and other's. Thinking about it this way, it can be said that language can at some degree make each of us unique based on the way we are using it every day. Sometimes not knowing a language may even lead to a barrier between people and this would be the result of not understanding each other. When one studies a specific language in depth, he might be able not only to avoid the barriers between him and the others but he might also remove certain barriers between other people which are not able at that moment to understand each other's ideas. This situation, of two people not being able to understand each other's ideas can occur even if the language that is spoken is their mother tongue. A person that masters his own language is always going to be able to adapt better to various situations as this one and will be able to express his ideas in a big range of linguistic levels so that he will be understood by the others. This can make the person extremely valuable in the society. Not studying a language can increase the power of this barrier because not knowing how to express yourself will most likely result into the lack of self-confidence. When starting to learn about the language you are speaking or trying to speak, you start feeling more confident with each new word, each new phrase or expression you learn and start to realize that it will be possible for you to use it in a future conversation. Personally, I have never felt excluded due to language barriers however I cannot say that I never had a moment where I had to deal with a language barrier. One example would be when I first moved into a new school, being the first time when I had to express myself in a different language than my mother tongue. Practicing the language and learning about it every day, I was able to slowly remove the barriers and start feeling more confident about the new language. One of the most common problems that one has is that he/she is afraid to express himself wrong and/or make mistakes while speaking in a different language. This is caused by the idea that the audience might be hunting and ready to criticize your mistakes while in fact they are only looking after understanding your ideas. Once this fear is suppressed, the language barrier is easier to be removed and you will be one step closer to reach your goal of being able to send a message effectively for an audience.


  1. I really like your comment "that the strongest people are not the ones that can lift hundreds of kilograms from the floor of the gym, but the ones that can lift the spirit of hundreds of discouraged people using only the power of words." This is a powerful statement and we will examine the power of language throughout the course.

  2. Well written, with many interesting points made throughout your blog post. I also like your comment about the strength of language, and i would like you to elaborate on this topic in your next blog if possible? All in all, it was an enjoyable read, a tip you could try is to direct a few questions at your audience to make them more involved with your blog.

  3. Nice first post Andrei. I really liked your perspective on the possible removal of the language barrier due to simple studying of a language. What languages do you speak?
