Tuesday 6 October 2015

Letter To The Editor


For this post I will be writing a letter to the editor of the article “Twtr? It’s majorly bad!”  in order to discuss some disadvantages of texting continuously.

To the editor:

Recently, I have found and read your article “Twtr? It’s majorly bad!” and I was simply astonished by what has been written in it. I just can’t understand how some students can even think of using words and expressions from the well-known ‘world of texting’ in their school essays and answers! It is outrageous! I’ve always been aware of the fact that people make mistakes, and I think it is normal. Mistakes have been a common factor in language since…well, since forever and of course, as the language has evolved, mistakes have evolved once with it, but this? This is too much. Living in the technology era seems to lead us into the wrong direction. Children no longer need to worry about spelling or developing their vocabulary these days and I could understand them. Why bother when you know that a machine behind you will correct every single mistake that you make or that www.dictionary.com will always have the word you are looking for? We live in a world where everyone is under continuous pressure and where writing things such as “gr8”, “m8”, “u”, and so on is viewed as incredibly helpful while in fact it is just deteriorating one’s way of writing and expressing himself. Students and people in general need to wake up and realize that they are trading language, a highly needed skill, for speed and for one extra second that is won for each word they type. This is the mentality of the twitter generation and this type of thinking is ruining the hard work of teachers and parents worldwide of teaching children how to speak properly.  Someone has to make them understand that during a job interview, an interviewer will not care of how “gr8” your text speaking skills are, but you can be sure that he will care of how “majorly bad” both your spelling and vocabulary are. However, I’m afraid this will not stop unless people start taking action and start fighting back the cybernetic attack that has been launched against our beloved language. I would like to thank you for writing this article since this is the first step that has to be made in order to understand the problem that surrounds us and hopefully one day we will be able to overcome it.

Andrei Stefanidi

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