Sunday, 13 November 2016


This article shows bias towards the matter of gun control laws in America, overall highlighting the republican ideology supporting weapon carrying. The pastiche is re-written as to display a bias emphasizing a democrat ideology, opposing weapon carrying.  


Billionaire businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump always speaks in vague generalities and does not offer specifics about where he stands on the issues.
There is however one exception and that is his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as Trump just released his official policy position on his campaign website.
“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period,” the position paper began.Trump went on attempting to convince people of how the government should not be able to take away this right since it has not been created by the government in the first place and nor can it be taken away by it. Describing the Second Amendment as “America’s first freedom,” Trump, used the argument that it helps protect the entirety of rights we currently have.
Instead of adding new gun control laws, Trump proposed tougher enforcement of laws that are already on the books which are supposedly going to protect and defend that right.

Moreover, instead of reducing the probability of gun attacks taking place by limiting the access to guns, Trump relies on the reduction in these attacks by sentencing gun criminals to mandatory minimum five-year sentences in federal prison, noting that crime rates are supposedly going to fall dramatically when criminals are taken off the streets for lengthy periods of time.
Trump also proposed strengthening and expanding laws allowing law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves from criminals using their own guns, without fear of repercussion from the government.
Nevertheless, Trump blames the recent shootings on clear mental problems that should have been addressed, and proposes fixing our nation’s broken mental health system by increasing treatment opportunities for the non-violent mentally ill, but removing from the streets those people who pose a danger to themselves and others, overall refusing the idea of gun and magazine bans which are deemed by him as being ineffective.
Not only are these bans not going to be established but Trump proposed as well a national right to carry, a national concealed carry reciprocity law that would compel states to recognize the concealed carry permits of any other state, as if the right to carry a gun would be equal to the right of holding a driver’s license which would be accepted by all states.

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